Here's a page filled to the brim with a bunch of RBF related downloadables in case you ever need LESS storage space on your devices because boy do I have a lot of things for you!
It might be true that nobody uses midi files anymore, but I still think it'll be funny to offer some to download so you can listen to them while you fill your Windows xp computer with malware! (Quick note, I didn't make these MiDis, I rescued them from archives of this site!)
Sell Out (MiDi)
She Has A Girlfriend Now (MiDi)
241 (MiDi)
Alternative, Baby (MiDi)
Desktop Icons
You can use these icon files to change the icons of your RBF music folders on your computer to images of the albums! (Windows machines only, Sorry mac users.) It should look like the image below:

Everything Sucks (.ico)
Turn The Radio Off (.ico)
Why Do They Rock So Hard? (.ico)
Cheer Up! (.ico)
We're Not Happy Til' You're Not Happy (.ico)
Our Live Album Is Better Than Your Live Album (.ico)
Monkeys For Nothin' And The Chimps For Free (.ico)
Fame, Fortune, And Fornication (.ico)
A Best Of Us... For The Rest Of Us (.ico)
Candy Coated Fury (.ico)
Life Sucks... Let's Dance! (.ico)
If you wanna use these for your desktop or music folders, First download them to a stable directory, > Then right click on the folder you want to change the icon of and select properties > Go to customize and select 'Change icon' and then find the icon file you're gonna use and then you're done! If you wanna do it for just a shortcut and not the actual folder, you'll see the 'Change Icon' Button on the main tab once you open properties.
Music Rarities
Remember kids, piracy is OK if the media in question isn't readily available anywhere! (My rule of thumb being if it's not on spotify, I'm putting a download link here.)
All the download links were provided by members of the unofficial RBF discord server! Thanks fellas!
In The Good Old Days/Reel Big Fish (Demos, 1992)
Full Cassette, all 192kbps .MP3 files
Return Of The Mullet/Reel Big Fish (Demos, 1994)
Full Cassette, all 192kbps .MP3 files
Buy This! (Demos, 1994)
Full Cassette, all 192kbps .MP3 files
S.R. (Everything Sucks Version, 1995)
Lossless .FLAC
Secret Song (I'm Cool) (Secret Track, 1996)
Lossless .WAV (This is my personal rip of the track. Audio doesn't start until 1:59)
In The Pit (Turn The Radio Off Sessions, 1996)
Lossless .WAV
Beer (Instrumental, 1996)
Lossless .FLAC
She Has A Girlfriend Now (Instrumental, 1996)
Lossless .FLAC
241 (Harmonix Mix, 1997)
Lossless .WAV
Brand New Song (Harmonix Mix, 1998)
Lossless .WAV
Viva La Internet/The Blank CD (2000)
Full CD, all lossless .FLAC files
Average Man (Cheer Up! JP, 2002)
Lossless .FLAC
Rock It With I (Cheer Up! JP, 2002)
Lossless .FLAC
Beer (2005 ver.) (We're Not Happy JP, 2005)
Lossless .WAV
Way Back (We're Not Happy JP, 2005)
Lossless .WAV
Bang! The Mouse Explodes (Bonus Track, 2007)
Lossless .FLAC
Cannibal (Dance Mix) (Bonus Track, 2007)
Lossless .FLAC